In deinem Körper

steckt mehr Weisheit als in deiner tiefsten Philosophie

Friedrich Nietzsche

Über Mich

I am a professional Dancer, Performer, Dance Educator and Trainer based in Berlin. As part of the National Team of acrobatics I have participated on worldwide competitions and events and won several prices. In 2019 I graduated in Contemporary Dance at the Etage - school of performing arts Berlin. I have performed in performance projects of Constanza Macras, Pure Space, the Batheva Repertoire, Tango Rouge, Soul and the City and Monom and in many dance, music and fashion videos and movies among which for Brother Dege, El Cachivache, Bokoya, Retro. I specialised myself on Pilates and Stretching for Dancers, Improvisation Dance and Jazz Dance, which I offer as workshops and classes. I taught and am teaching for Seneca Intensiv, la Bohème artistique, Soulsport Berlin, Tanzland Aalen, Ballettschule Fischer and Ballettschule Lekovic. Since 2021 I am educating myself as a Dance Therapist to expand my movement knowledge and content of my workshops. I am currently focussed on the development of several choreographies and my own concept of movement language and body awareness.

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